ProfiGymMat Professional 180 x 60 cm
The ProfiGymMat Professional 180 is with its 170 KG/m3 extremely robust. Due to the new vertical structure, the user has less wear on the mat. This makes the mat even more comfortable to use and also increases the durability. The mat is well qualified for pregnancy gymnastic and fitness with children. The new generation of ProfiGymMat® Professional speaks for itself and fullfills the high demands in all professional areas.
The exercise mat is available without eyelets in seven different colors, each with a thickness of 1 cm and 1.5 cm and in three colors even with a thickness of 2 cm. In the version with eyelets, you get all seven colors in 1 cm and 1.5 cm thickness.
Product features:
- stays resistant, supple and stable in shape even under high performance
- tensile strength
- long life
- easy adaption to the ground
- comfortable and flexible
- flat lying
- easy rolling and unrolling of mat
- no sticking-out corners
- optimum shock absorbing
- both sides usable, in the studio, outdoor and in water
- super hygienic because of closed cellular structure
- anti-germ protection
- hydrophobic and dirt-repellent
- easily cleanable with water
- BPA free